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One Step Closer!

Updated: Oct 14, 2022

This summer has been full of surprises, achievements, some disappointments, and several "holy shit, I did it!" moments. The prototype boxes, booklets and decks have been printed, are in my possession, and I have photographic evidence to prove it!

I received my boxes and booklets from a separate printer back in June. Because there were a few issues with the printing, I decided to hold off on posting any photos at first. Eventually, I came to my senses and realized that prototypes are just that: the first iteration of a product based on the creator's concept. They are not perfect, and will be using a completely different, and more affordable printer for the final product, but damn did it feel good opening up that brown, cardboard box to reveal my packaging. Packaging that I designed, in the physical space, and not just a collection of thoughts swirling around my brain.

They came out so beautifully, I can't use words to describe how utterly proud of myself I am for their creation. It started with an idea, and a year and a half later, I have a physical product that I use every single day. Here are a few photos that I took to be used in advertisements, and of course on social media and my website.

For more photos, you can check them out on the Photos page. I have also added a page specifically for the digital versions of the cards. It's an interactive page that allows you to move the cards around, and view them individually by clicking on a card. You can then click through each card grouped by suits.

Eventually, I will be adding an additional page on here to allow anyone to have free 3 card spread readings using the digital versions of the cards. I hope to have that up and running soon, and will notify all blog subscribers and social media followers of the update to the site.

Thank you all for your continued support. I appreciate the kind words of encouragement I continue to hear months after the end of the first Kickstarter. To this day, I see my not hitting my funding goal as a blessing. I have made many fantastic improvements to the cards since and these changes may not have happened if the original campaign had been successful. The best things are always worth the wait!

More updates to come!

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J.L. Buckley Author & Artist

A Violet Flame Tarot & Astrology

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