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Introducing A Violet Flame

A violet flame. Many of you may know what that is, and many of you may be scratching your heads. I encountered the theosophical concept of the Seven Rays during my spiritual awakening. I won't go into it too much right now, but the gist is that every soul on the planet entered this world through one of the seven rays of light: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, and indigo. The violet ray, also called the violet flame, is used in reiki and other healing modalities. It is the healing flame, and that is part of my purpose in this lifetime. Also, violet is a fantastic color. I've been obsessed with the various shades of violet since I was a little girl. I also named my first child after it!

Now that the name explanation is out of the way, it's time to get into the meat of this update. Around the same time I rekindled my relationship with tarot, I started a YouTube channel to provide pick-a-card readings for those aligned with me. Because my house is utter chaos, I haven't had many opportunities to film content on this channel, but I have been able to do short readings on my TikTok channel of the same name. Churning out content is slow going, but I am working on getting more readings on there along with utilizing it as a way to connect with those who I am meant to inspire and/or help heal. If you haven't guessed by now, my TikTok, Instagram & YouTube handle is @avioletflame.

Shortly, I will be starting two new blog series. The first will be all about tarot: how to do readings and a deep dive into the themes and meanings of every single card. Yes, EVERY card. I have found plenty of other websites and blogs with similar information, but I want my blog to be a one stop shop so-to-speak. I want to provide the information in a very digestible way with lots of visuals because I am a very visual learner. This series will begin soon!

My other series will be providing information on astrology as the two tend go hand-in-hand. My hope for these blog series is to make tarot and astrology attainable for those who are interested in learning more about both or either subjects, and to provide useful information for those who already know a bit about their own natal charts who are seeking interpretations of all their placements. I'd love to spark the same intense passion I have for these beautiful healing tools in my readers, and I have a feeling I'll be doing just that for those meant to follow the same path.

Also, I will be soon be offering comprehensive natal chart readings as I obtain my professional astrologer certification through the American Federation of Astrologers. I've been studying astrology and psychology for 30 years, so it's time for me to utilize both skills to help facilitate healing through astrological counseling. It's time to take things to the next level and I am so excited to get this ball rolling. There is no greater feeling than finding your life's purpose and actually giving yourself the time and space needed to walk the path and speak your truth. I hope my journey will inspire others to discover and walk their paths as well.

Sending you all so much love. Thank you for your continued support!


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J.L. Buckley Author & Artist

A Violet Flame Tarot & Astrology

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